Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy has been shown to be beneficial for musculoskeletal disorders, improved circulation, pain reduction, and calming the nervous system.
At Annapolis Alchemists we offer an integrative approach to traditional massage.
Integrative Massage Therapy
Starting with a holistic view of the body Elizabeth will conduct a thorough health history and then observe how the entire body is moving and functioning around any areas of pain or discomfort. With her background in Kinesiology and Clinical Massage she uses techniques such as postural assessment, gait analysis, and palpation for detecting muscular imbalance. All of these can help determine where any pain may be originating from. She then applies tools such as Myofascial Release, CranioSacral Therapy, and traditional manual massage techniques to further assess and treat various tissues throughout the body. This approach helps to create a more functional and integrated system and is helpful for:
Chronic pain
Post-surgical care
Improving functional movement
Musculoskeletal disorders such as tendinitis, nerve impingements, muscle strains
Injury prevention
*Elizabeth is not currently accepting new massage clients. Please email hello@annapolisalchemists.com to be added to a waiting list.